Pda has been offering novel and strategic approaches to the global animal and human health industries since 2010. Pda has a wide range of clients including emerging biotechnology companies, large multi-national pharmaceutical and vaccine manufacturers, industry association, government associations, academic institutions and not-for-profits. Pda specializes in the preparation of market assessments, strategic business plans, regulatory strategies and product development plans, conducting pre-submission meetings with regulatory agencies, managing and monitoring clinical trials, the preparation and filing regulatory submissions, strategic partnering facilitation, establishing and managing advisory committees, and assisting start-ups with financial raises.
Dr. Paul Dick has recently teamed up with Ross Blaine of Ideas to Profit to author an Amazon best selling book called “Ideas to Profit”. In doing so, they realized that the information inside “Ideas to Profit” would be useful for Pda clients. Together, Paul and Ross have created 6 service offerings based on the information inside their book
Inside Ideas to Profits, a reader will find a series of “Challenges” that are designed to help leaders evaluate the status of their organization. The i2P team have created workshops that are based on the results of a specific challenge and that will help leaders engage change/ growth initiatives. Workshops can be delivered online or in live in-house settings. Workshops are designed to last 3 hours and provide participants with tools to help grow their skills and the company’s growth potential.
These include:
This extensive process provides leaders with unbiased information to understand what clients think of their company and their relationship with the company. The process interviews staff to determine if they are in tune with client perceptions.
This annual review tracks improvements and identifies new service or product opportunities. It provides leaders with the information they need for long-range strategic planning and short-term tactical initiatives by answering questions such as:
Companies that lead the Forbes “Top 100 Most Innovative List” all have one thing in common; they know they must be innovative to succeed. Industry leaders know that they must create an intrapreneurial environment where team members focus on how to improve the company’s value, and in doing so, improve their own capabilities.
Based on the values of companies ranging from Apple to Meta, 3M to Airbus, and Alphabet to Costco, the Pda/ i2P team has developed a survey tool that shows where innovation is lacking and where it is flourishing in an organization. Based on this information, leaders can quickly determine where they can target initiatives to improve their business potential.
How do you pull the team together to build a solar powered airship capable of carrying cars across the Pacific in seven days?
A Super Focus Workshop (SFW©) is a process through which you can quickly determine the viability of a new concept or project and the feasibility of any new departure. This technique brings together potential stakeholders, opinion leaders and state-of-the-art experts to examine the viabilities of new ideas and concepts. The cost of validating a concept is reduced and the rate of buy-in by strategic partners increased. A Super Focus Workshop is the forum that will accelerate the unifying process and pinpoint each stakeholder’s contribution towards the fulfillment of their mutually agreed upon vision of success. The benefits of this workshop include:
Change is only possible when an organization has mentoring in place so that new leaders can learn how to facilitate change and the existing leadership can focus on growing individuals who need the support to progress to senior leadership positions. The Pda/ i2P mentorship program focuses on:
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the way of the future, but it does not address the need to solve the “unconscious incompetence” problem most organizations face. Why? Because AI does not ask questions based on a company’s tactical information. When staff are engaged in questions, answers and discussion-creating interactions; informal processes and policies come to light, team members become more confident and the solutions they provide are based on “conscious competence” decisions.
The i2P microlearning system is the fastest way to share tacit knowledge, introduce best practices and foster “what if” conversations based on “is this going to improve my company and my capabilities?” Each iteration of the i2P Microlearning system is custom-created to meet leadership, business and human capital development goals. Key attributes of the system include:
The result of collaboration is that things of great value are created by using knowledge based on others’ experiences.
Paul and Ross created this book so that the champions of progressive ventures can build confidence in themselves, their teams, and their stakeholders or investors.
This book is about weasels. Not the furry kind, but weasels that occur throughout business and life, waiting for you to show weakness so they can pounce; taking advantage of you in any way that suits them. Using the metaphor of predator and prey, we’ll take you through the challenges you’ll need to overcome to stay on top – and of course, uneaten.
The basic treatise of this book is: “Weasels always win ... if you let them!”